Tulsa County
Broken Arrow
E 49th Pl S
E 49th Pl S
Property record search - E 49th Pl S, Broken Arrow, OK
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Properties on E 49th Pl S, Broken Arrow, OK
19502 E 49th Pl S
19506 E 49th Pl S
19509 E 49th Pl S
19510 E 49th Pl S
19513 E 49th Pl S
19514 E 49th Pl S
19517 E 49th Pl S
19518 E 49th Pl S
19601 E 49th Pl S
19602 E 49th Pl S
19605 E 49th Pl S
19606 E 49th Pl S
19609 E 49th Pl S
19610 E 49th Pl S
19613 E 49th Pl S
19614 E 49th Pl S
19702 E 49th Pl S
19704 E 49th Pl S
19800 E 49th Pl S
19804 E 49th Pl S
19808 E 49th Pl S
19811 E 49th Pl S
19812 E 49th Pl S
19815 E 49th Pl S
19816 E 49th Pl S
19901 E 49th Pl S
19902 E 49th Pl S
19905 E 49th Pl S
19906 E 49th Pl S
19909 E 49th Pl S
19910 E 49th Pl S
19913 E 49th Pl S
19914 E 49th Pl S
19917 E 49th Pl S
19918 E 49th Pl S
19921 E 49th Pl S
19922 E 49th Pl S
19926 E 49th Pl S
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