Property Details

*This page is for awareness purposes only, this website is not stating or claiming someone has passed away at this address, but that the site is able to generate a report on most valid US addresses.

Has Anyone Passed Away at this address?

2727 W 10th St
Lakeland, FL

This residential property was built in 2018. When this property was assessed in 2024, the assessment value was $148,483.00 improved from $144,158.00. This 1 story location has a total living size of 1620 sq ft, has 3 bedrooms, with NONE heating and YES cooling. Use this website to learn of any stigmatized details and history about 2727 W 10TH ST.

Property Data

Building Ownership Information
Lot Area Acres:
Property Type:
Lot Area SqFt:
Year Built:
Building Composition
Heating Detail:
Cooling Detail:
Living Total Sq Ft:
Tax Assessed Information
Tax Assessed Value:
Previous Assessed Value:
Prior Sale Date:
Prior Sale Amount:
Tax Year Assessed:

What's nearby?

1 mile or less from New Home Baptist Church Cemetery
2 miles from Serenity Gardens
2 miles from Griffin Cemetery
3 miles from Stephenson Cemetery
3 miles from Mount Tabor Cemetery
3 miles from All Saints Episcopal Church Columbarium
3 miles from Tiger Flowers Cemetery
3 miles from First United Methodist Church Columbarium
3 miles from Roselawn Cemetery
3 miles from Lakeview Cemetery
3 miles from Carpenters Home Cemetery
4 miles from First Presbyterian Church Memorial Garden
5 miles from Mount Enon Memorial Cemetery

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