Died in House (DIH) Disclaimer:
Last Updated On: 8/21/2016
Neither Simply Put Solutions, Inc. (SPS), the creators of Died in House™ (DIH), found at www.diedinhouse.com, nor DIH or any owners, officers, agents, or employees of SPS or DIH warrant the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information on this website and shall not be liable or responsible for any losses caused by such reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of such information, including but not limited to incidental and consequential damages as well as any alleged lost sales or loss in property value. The information appearing on any SPS or DIH website and/or owned application could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors and is provided “as is” without any warranty or representation, implied or express, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.
The information contained on any SPS or DIH website or application is obtained from multiple sources, and no endorsement is intended or made of any hypertext link, product, service, or information either by its inclusion or exclusion from any SPS or DIH website or application. Nothing contained within this website is an official record, and any person or entity who relies on any information obtained on any SPS or DIH website does so at his or its own risk. By using this website, each user understands and acknowledges that SPS and DIH expressly disclaim any liability for any damages alleged to arise in connection with its use.
DIH obtains the Registered Sex Offender Data provided in their reports from CriminalCheck and PublicData.These sites are public records disseminators and are not responsible for any inaccuracies in any database. Neither CriminalCheck nor PublicData will modify records in any database upon notification of inaccuracies from individuals. Those wishing to have inaccurate data corrected must contact the reporting/supplying government agency and negotiate changes. Once changes are in place with the government agency, CriminalCheck and PublicData will reflect the modification(s) in the regular, every other week, update cycle of that database.
Information contained on any SPS or DIH web site or application provides no representation as to the presence of any ghost, haunting or any other paranormal activity; or the nature of any such future activities. Died in House ™ does not guarantee to have identified or confirmed all deaths that have occurred in or at a specific address. If you believe that information on any SPS or DIH web site or application is incorrect please contact DIH at info@diedinhouse.com.